Chapter Leadership

Published on Thursdays, Chapter Leadership News provides chapter executives, chapter leaders, and chapter staff with timely and relevant news from SMACNA National, along with useful information and helpful insights to keep SMACNA chapters updated and engaged with members.


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Navigating 'Invisible' Leadership Transitions

'Invisible'  leadership transitions involve changes to the scope and nature of a position without a formal promotion or official position description change. This type of change became especially true of leaders at organizations of all sizes and scopes during COVID-19. One factor that makes invisible transitions stand out is that they are usually harder to make than formal ones. Here’s how you as a leader can successfully adapt.


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Special Offer on SMACNA Safety Meeting App

The SMACNA Safety Meeting App is designed to make safety a top priority for your members by providing over 1,300 safety meeting topics including SMACNA industry-specific content, along with incident documentation and checklists that can be accessed anytime, anywhere thorough iOS and Android devices.


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Familiarize Yourself with SMACNA’s New Website

SMACNA’s website is generating a lot of traffic and visitors – more than 7,000 per week. Make sure you are familiar with all the resources available to you and your members including articles, events, and training opportunities, as well as information on our board liaison program, chapter executive institute and other opportunities available to expand your leadership expertise.


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NJAB June In-person Hearings Canceled

The in-person June meeting of the NJAB has been canceled. When possible, cases will be heard by subcommittee. The next meeting of the NJAB will be in Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept 23–24, 2021.

Chapter Leadership May 13 2021

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DEI, Advocacy, Information-Sharing and Association Antitrust

As SMACNA Chapter associations start advancing DEI efforts in their areas with the best of intentions, they need to be aware that even well-intentioned initiatives require mindful planning. Antitrust risks need to be taken into account when designing and planning initiatives that help members promote diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Chapter Leadership

Join SMACNA’s Online Chapter Executive Community

SMACNA’s Chapter Executives Community in an online forum where leaders can exchange dialogue, share best practices, answer each other’s most pressing questions, promote ideas on chapter administration, discuss industry concerns or learn from their colleagues across the country. 


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Strategies for Association CEOs Beyond 2020

Becoming more flexible, nimble, proactive and empathetic are just a few of the skills top association leaders say helped them lead through COVID-19. Other leaders pivoted their operating models to focus on revenue-based budgeting, hybrid approaches to learning and networking that combined virtual platforms with local in-person meetings, and, of course, fully virtual events. Here’s how some of your fellow association CEOs adapted in 2020, and how they plan to apply those lessons learned in the future.

Chapter Leadership Feb 25 2021

What to Focus on in 2021

Businesses faced unprecedented changes, disruptions and threats to their operating models in 2020, and yet it’s still hard to know which of those changes will be fleeting and which new policies and behaviors are here to stay.